Sunday, February 21, 2010

Primal Blueprint

My physical goals:

I am 5'11 (5'10 1/2-3/4) and weight approximately 167.2 pounds, as of last week.

My goals are:
Optimal health for me which includes vibrance, abundant energy, and radiance. As well as optimal blood levels, function, etc.
As of right now I believe an ideal body weight for myself is 150 lbs.
Strong, toned, able lean body- approx 20-22 body fat
(I believe)
Mastery of Optimal health so that I can help others

In order to accomplish these I am always educating myself by reading new books, listening to lectures, etc. Through this method I have come up with a program, my Superwoman Program.

Low-carb is the right path for me dietarily speaking, specially Paleoesque low-carb. This easily eliminates my allergens of gluten and dairy, helps me sustain local agriculture and farming practices, eat the foods I enjoy, and feel dang good. I just read the "Primal Blueprint" and like it more than the "Paleo Diet" for my needs. I'm starting that, while incorporating "The Diet Solution" principles, and Adkins. So basically, I'm eating 5-6 low carb meals a day, concentrating on getting all carbs from natural (fruit and vegetable sources), doing a ketagenic diet (Adkins) which emphasizes good fat and protein, while learning primal exercise. The "SuperWoman Program".

Exercise wise I'm doing belly dancing and zumba three days a week, lifting weights two days a week, and doing interval running one day. I also walk about an hour a day and climb 8-12 flights of stairs three times a day.

I have changed my entire life. I've worked with Overeater's Anonymous to help with my compulsive eating- and in the process discovered that my compulsive overeating was the direct cause of carbohydrate and sugar addiction. This has given me immense freedom. It helped me build my eating plan.

I'm still working in my dependence of the scale; and as of yesterday am seriously considering ditching the scale as my primary goal- and instead aiming for a body fat percentage of 20%, using the scale as only a secondary tool.

I have harmed my body in the past: 100 juice feast, two weeks of lemonade and maple syrup, low calorie dieting, binging, purging, and the latest- hGc. I know these were compulsive behaviors and I'm happy to be on the right path towards my PERSONAL OPTIMAL health. It feels good :-)

Besos Amigos,
